We are More Than Meets the Eye
Chakras are energy centers within the human body, intricately linked to our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Rooted in ancient Hinduism and Buddhism, these energy centers reflect a profound understanding of the mind-body-spirit connection.1
These energy centers started out perfectly balanced when we came into this world. They have been along for the ride since day one. They have seen, heard, felt and experienced every event. They have been a willing and non-willing participant to all the things we have done, and have been done to us. They have held our emotional and physical pains, like a recorder taking notes, keeping tabs - watching, learning and memorizing, often all in the name of keeping us safe.
Our minds lead the show, and our bodies and energy centers are along for the ride trying to cope, holding the emotions of events long gone, trying to resolve, mending and dealing. When we struggle to cope, we can stuff away the challenges, the pains and create unbalanced energy centers.
We can feel it in our throats, our heart or maybe our tummies. A blocked feeling that holds us hostage. Keeping us from feeling like we aren't fully ourselves. Holding back words, weighing us down, holding us back.
As our chakra's are re-balanced we release the tightness, let go of the emotion that is being held of some importance to an event, or possibly to something we continue to punish ourselves for. Sometimes we aren't even aware of what or why, but often we are fully aware and just haven't let it go. Basically, when it comes to this emotional baggage, if it doesn't serve you anymore, it's time to let it go.
Releasing and letting go heals, frees, and lets you breathe as yourself. I care about your well-being and would like to help you feel like you can release and let go. ​
Warm Regards,
Chakra balancing is easy, it starts by taking your shoes off, laying down, and relaxing. I care about you, and feel it is extremely important that you are comfortable and in control the entire time.
There are 7 energy centers in the human body. Each has a specific emotion and purpose, dealing with both positive
and negative. They start with the first one, the Root Chakra,
at the your base of the spine and gives us the feeling of
being grounded.